Odd numbers?
Prime numbers?
Bus lines?
These are the numbers of "my stalls" at the Sanyuanli fruit and vegetable market. The market reopened a couple of months ago and I've since been going regularly to buy fruit and veggies.
There are tons of small shops all along the main market isle and they all have a number so that you can easily remember where to go (if you have a favorite stall.)
Here are the ones I often go to:
26 = Nuts as far as the eye can see. (Not the lady, but the stock.)
50: Meat
14: Fruit
(hhm, it appears my fruit photos were eaten by my Apple iPhone, hehe)
One happy customer (and friend) on the way out. The guy is helping us bring our veggies outside -- pretty good service, huh!
In het Nederlands: Ik ga regelmatig naar een leuke groente- en fruitmarkt dichtbij mijn Chinese school. Daar koop ik dan wat vis, groenten en fruit. Elk kraampje heeft een eigen nummer zodat je makkelijk je favoriete verkoper of verkoopster terug kan vinden.
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