Monday, December 2, 2013

Worker bee

Friends, family,

I know you've been hoping for at least one more blog post before the end of the year. Well, relax, your wishes have come true.

Recently, I have been working on a project with the Chinese Academy of Sciences' Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth (RADI). Within RADI is a research group that develops estimates for crop production in China and other places around the world, answering the question how much wheat, maize, rice, and soybean will likely be grown this year. It does this by studying and analyzing data collected by satellites, for example to see the size of production areas or comparing this year's crop growth conditions (temperature or radiation from the sun) to those of last year, to predict how much will grow.

The group has been doing this work for many years, but recently decided to start publishing their regular bulletin in English (in addition to Chinese). I got involved to help them with that part.

When the final product was released on November 20, the Chinese CCTV channel featured the new report. You can watch the news segment here: CropWatch bulletin released - CCTV news. Skip forward to 1:20 to see the report I contributed to. Enjoy practicing your Chinese!

[If you like this, you might also be interested in an earlier blog post about my work (or rather: about my coffee drinking habits.)]

In het Nederlands: Het duurde even, maar hier toch weer wat nieuws uit het verre oosten. Ik ben druk geweest met werk, waaronder een opdracht voor de Chinese Wetenschapsacademie. Het rapport waaraan ik gewerkt had kwam op 20 november officieel uit en het Chinese CCTV besteedde er ook even aandacht aan. Het nieuwssegment laat wat zien over gewasproduktie (daar gaat het rapport namelijk over) en toont ook even de boekjes zelf in beide talen. Om het rapport te zien moet je even doorspoelen naar 1 minuut en 20 seconden. Veel plezier met het Chinees!

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