Monday, May 18, 2015

It's the Season to Be M...

My joke was going to be, "It's the Season to Be Moving," but I am afraid you would then think we are moving.
We are not.
But it is the season to be moving. The little foreigner-village where we live is full of yard sales and moving trucks. Every summer people move in and out, as most expatriates change location in July or August because it easier for the kids who have to change school. 
I could have also called this blog post, "rabbit on the move," as the only reason I am writing it is to show you the picture below. This week when I came back from the grocery store, I was biking behind a truck that had a rabbit in the back. It was hot that day, so the door had to be open to give the rabbit (and the guy sitting next to him in the back of the truck) some air to breathe. Somehow it was just such a comic sight -- this rabbit driving by with his precious paintings -- I had to let you share in the fun...
In het Nederlands: I moest lachen van de week toen ik toevallig achter deze vrachtwagen aan reed. Het is wat lastig te zien maar er zit een konijn achterin. Ik denk dat hij een nieuw groot konijnenhol had aangeschaft om al z'n schilderijen op te hangen! Het is weer verhuistijd bij ons in de wijk. In de zomer gaan altijd veel families verhuizen--hun baan achterna--om dan het nieuwe schooljaar op een andere plek weer te kunnen beginnen. 

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